Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bad Dürkheim Bauernmarkt (28 Sep 2008)

Let's see the price list of these Neuer (young) wein.
1) Speyer: 2€ für 0.5L, pfand 2€
2) Heidelberg: 2€ für 0.25L, pfand 1€
3) Bad Dürkheim: 3€ für 0.5L, pfand 2€

The Heidelberg one was sucky, coz the wein was already sour...the Bad Dürkheim is the best, very sweet and cold, esp nice for a super sunny sunday. It was so nice that I finished one big glass before my second bite into my Dampfnudel...So, I had no choice but to buy another big glass...hee hee, a grand excuse to drink more? This Bauernmarkt was better than the one in Heidelberg, coz got lots of food and wein, and no crappy stalls!
Ooo, because I was watching "We Got Married" in the morning, the 4 cute prams are specially taken for Alex & Shin-ae's quadruplets...hahaha!!!
This time, 1L of Neuer Wein was ok for me, did my alcoholic tolerence just go up again? Scheisse.

Heidelberg Herbst Fest (27 Sep 2008)

Yeah, Heidelberg again. It was super crowded, but being a touristy place, the Herbst Fest lack originality, coz there were more accessories and Barang Barang stalls than the real food stalls...(but still got my weekend dosage of Neuer Wein...hee hee)
Found that my semester ticket could allow me to take the Bergbahnen(Funiular Railway) from Korn Markt to the Königstuhl, which was above the Schloss.
A simple afternoon spent in Heidelberg with my 2 new friends, Yi-cheng & Bah.

Friday, September 26, 2008

WildPark Ludwigshafen (21 Sept 2008)

I rode on a wagon pulled by a tractor from the tram stop to the wildpark...
The only so called ZOO in Ludwigshafen was filled only with wild pigs, horses, deers, ducks & swans. There was a wild cat reserve, but ermm, I couldn't see the "cat" in the cage... The whole place looked unkept with all the fallen trees, muddy ponds and dirt footpaths...
Gosh, but there were quite a lot of people there, on a Sunday afternoon, faint!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Speyer Bauernmarkt 20 Sept 2008

Speyer's Bauernmarkt (20-21 Sept 2008)
Can't believe I was beaten down by 1L of Neuer Wein! Haha!

But the Federweißer Wein (Jungen Weiße Wein) were Gut! Die Rot one taste like Traubensaft, but die Weiß one taste like Apfelsaft lor!!! The alcoholic content was supposed to be low, but don't know why, maybe I drank too much too fast lor...Was tempted to buy a 3L Federweißer Wein home, but that meant I have only 2 days to finish them off, else they will turn sour...(yeah, apparently u can't store them in corked glass bottles, they will explode(Really! It is really True!) So, even when u buy them home, u got to use a plastic container(reminds me of Lab, when I store my solvents in such plastic containers...gosh)

The whole street was filled with people buying fruits, veggies, meat, cheese and an ugly purple flower called Antichoke...

The straw family was a cute iconic feature of the Bauernmarkt.

The last 2 straw figurines are from Ludwigshafen's MINI Bauernmarkt...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ikea, Mannheim 19 Sept 2008

First visit to Ikea. Erm, was disappointed, it looked exactly like the Ikea-Tampines coz it is located in the 'outskirts' of Mannheim, beside farmlands, has a huge carpark, has a bus that ferries people from the tram terminal stop to Ikea & worse of all, has a similar Courts building beside it lor, luckily got no Giant lookalike there, gosh!
Ikea inside was the replica of the one in Tampines, with a Swedish Restaurant, Warehouse, Showrooms, and worse of all, even the checkout counters is the same as Tampines.....

Next time, when I am missing home & Tampines, I will go to Ikea and reminisce..... Wonder if the Ikea in Heidelberg is the same as Mannheim?

Remember the Rat? The one that we use to play with during our German Classes?????

My Little Room in 116 Saarlandstr. 18 Sept 2008

Pictures of my room. I am happy that the cleaning lady changes my bedsheets once every 2wks on Thursdays...Haha, that's why my bed is the most presentable on 2 Thursdays every month, just like today!

A new addition I got last week (der Kleiderwagen from Real-my favorite hangout after work)

I like the 'garden view' of my room. During Summer, rabbits can be seen. But these few days had been cold, the rabbits went hibernating in their erm... rabbit holes???

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday At Home 14 Sept 2008

Apparently today was Mid-Autumn Festival. But hmm, Today is the "1st day" of Herbst in Ludwigshafen. I stepped out of my house to buy breakfast and it was brrr...8°C. Now I am buried in my comforter in my bed...occasionally looking at the moon outside my window, hmm, define full moon? The moon in Sommer was the best, VERY big, round & Bright. But my summer had abandoned me...