Friday, November 7, 2008

Ich bin Bratenkönigin (6 Nov 2008)

8:00pm-went Edeka to buy ingredients(10,13€), realized that this job doesn't come cheap. Bio vanilla Zucker Joker-happy that it was a 2-in-1, but the cashtill rang up, gosh, 1,29€ for 20g Zucker???

8:30pm-fumbled with my pot & the ingredients. Ran against time trying to fit the mesh into those cups, 1st bake trial, erm, cookies came out alittle brown, but still tasty. 2nd tray, better, less brown. Decided that it was enough.

9:40pm - Award for Bratenkönigin goes to... hahahah for producing 36 Haselnuss-Cornflakes Cookies.

10:30 pm - Finished cleaning up the kitchen (no foto of aftermath, coz hrmmp, rather messy.) Packed the cookies in the container & some for Ling & Mun....yippee, job accomplished, will bring this box for our Gruppewanderung on Samstag at one of my favorite place: Bad Dürkheim!!! My Gruppe should be honored to let me defend my dignity (as wat Kahai said) show them I am not a bad Hausfrau!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U go, girl!

Bring some of those for me ya? =)