Sunday, November 22, 2009

Biking around Ammersee (21 Nov 2009)

A fun but tiring day outdoors at Ammersee (a huge lake, indeed)
The weather was nice, cool & sunny.

So far so good, 2 Sees conquered, Chiemsee will be my next destination...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My own Fahrrad

Finally, a brand new Fahrrad to call my own.
A little big & bulky, but the seat is really at the lowest liao. Maybe I will park it in the Keller soon, but it now stays in my room.

Now I can begin exploration of the nice scenic places in München. But I lack good weather & people to go biking with...volunteers, where are you?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bavarian Lunch Buffet (8 Nov 2009)

Yummy Lunch Buffet in a small village north of Munich on a quiet Sunday afternoon with M & Family...

I loved the desserts(Eis, Kuchen, Kreme,Käse) and the bread the most, but of course, the Buffet would not be complete without lots of Schnitzels, Meat-rollies, Kartoffels & Champignons.

KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau (7 Nov 2009)

Work Makes You Free Location of the Barracks Memorial "Never Again"

Nazi Concentration Camp in Dachau.
Most of the the exhibits there were too grostique, & I didn't want to taint this Blog. So, most of the Fotos of the Camp were not uploaded.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fond Memories

An 'Almost' complete(60%) class FotoOh, well, with the rest of the graduates...
The 'official' graduation
der Mann in Aktion

This blog has been quiet for some time, because I have been lazy...

Trips around town have been planned, so uploading Fotos of München/Bayern are in the pipeline ...